27th January 2023:

Hi everyone, today I received a phone call from a distressed woman who is currently 28 weeks pregnant. She is exploring her options and choices about where to have her baby and is really considering the option of a home birth. What she was concerned about was the ambulance strike and how would that impact on her decision making. Firstly, I reassured her that having still quite a few weeks until she is due to give birth then she does not have to make any decisions as to where she gives birth just yet. In fact, the decision as to where to give birth does not need to happen until you are in labour! There is always a lot of talk about planning child birth but it is a force of nature, and like the weather we are unable to control or predict it. What we can do is consider all possibilities. Lets consider this scenario: your pregnancy is full term, you feel well, you know your baby is well and you are feeling ok about the pending birth, knowing that you have an open mind about the event but really would like a homebirth. Discussion with the midwife has been generally positive but ‘risks’ were discussed (I may add here that it is rarely discussed with women the ‘risks’ going into hospital). One of the issues raised was the availability of a midwife and the delay in ambulance time if required. Something to consider but really only on the day will you know if any of these variables are an issue. So don’t let that ‘formality’ of information from the midwife sway your decision. You really can not decide if you are 100% going to have a home birth until you establish your labour. You may go into labour and ‘feel’ that things do not feel right for you, if that’s the case trust your instinct and go to hospital. Remember, you are leaving all your options and choices available to you based on the events that are happening. You may contact the hospital and say you are wanting a home birth and could a midwife come and assess you. They may have a midwife (and I have to say the midwives will always try to accommodate this) but they may not. Evaluate at the time if you feel comfortable and happy to wait for availability for an assessment or do you need to be seen now. If you believe your labour is advancing and you can’t move, then say so. It is safer to stay where you are, call an ambulance and demand a midwife then to travel in your car and give birth on the way. Only you will know what is right for you. If you believe that it is safe for you to go to hospital then make your way there. If you arrive at the hospital and wish to stay there as you feel safer, then do so. remember, there is no right or wrong way to birth, you are not failing yourself because you didn’t get a home birth. You are in fact making the right choice and decision at the time based on the events presented to you and what feel right. If you want to explore more about this subject and any other subjects related to pregnancy, birth and parenting then book onto one of our bespoke classes, workshops or book a private consultation with a midwife to discuss your individual situation circumstances. We look forward to meeting you

20th January 2023:

Hi, my name is Tess and I am very excited about the launch of Birth From Within. I have over 25 years’ experience in midwifery, parenting and supporting families through this amazing journey. I am a mother of 5 children and each one of those births was unique as they are as human beings. I am passionate about pregnancy, birth and parenting and love to empower women and partners through their own unique journey. My enthusiasm for a holistic approach to care provision has led me to taking a leap of faith and offer these bespoke classes, workshops and consultations so that you can optimise your well-being and knowledge for your own unique journey. Each week there will be a ‘BLOG’ covering a subject or topic of interest, it would be lovely to receive your views and comments too. The classes, workshops and consultations are designed to be informative, empowering and educational. In the beautiful surroundings of Lupton house (and any other venue I source for these classes I will ensure that the environment is suitable for everyone’s comfort), the classes will be relaxing, comfortable and a safe space where you can explore your pregnancy. birth options and becoming a parent. As we are all unique beings, these classes will be bespoke for you. If you want to find out more then you can book a free 30minute call with me to explore if we offer what you need. If you excited and happy with what you have seen or heard the please book on a course to suit your needs. I am pleased to welcome you to this new and exciting adventure and I am honoured that you have chosen to share your journey with us.